Friday, June 1, 2007

A 40th, and a First

Today’s the 40th anniversary of the release of my favorite album of all time. I could write pages and pages and pages on what this album has meant to me over the years; it was my first rock n’ roll record (I was 6, I believe), and it changed how I listened to music, thought about the world, etc. I still get a visceral, gut-level reaction when I hear a track off of it.

What music/band/album/etc. changed your world?

And, this afternoon after work, I had my first-ever massage! Oh my. It was lovely.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is so embarrassing - but here goes.....

After a steady diet of Abba in the early seventies, my friend Kathy lent me her "Best of the Beach Boys" tape. This was awesome of her (none of us had many tapes in those days) and I promised to treat it with utmost care.

I played it and played it and played it knowing that soon the fateful time would come that I had to give it back. But just before that time (and too my deep pre-pubescent horror) my tape recorder chewed it up.

I explained the situation to my mother who (love her) gave me a stern lecture about borrowing things and then helped me buy a replacement. Kathy never knew the difference.

Meanwhile, down in my room with the remnants of the original, I figured out how to unscrew the cassette and use sticky tape to splice the reel. All that was really missing was the beginning to the "Beach Boys Medley".

It was the beginning of my secret love affair with the beach boys. I couldn't help it then and I can't halp it now. I love their harmonies and their romanticism and fantasy. With them we all live in a world where everyone is can surf and is in love (and has a car and a tan). Even though in the end these notions probably did my self image no end of damage, I thank the cosmos that Kaths tape chewed up and thus it could be mine, all mine... MWAHAHAHA! Singing Good good GOOD... Good Vibrations... :D XXXXX

PS: No arguments on the St Pepper either!