Thursday, March 29, 2007

Baby steps

I figure that this whole thing is about small changes that become lifelong habits. I’ve made a few of those lately, and I’m kind of proud of myself, even though they’re all small:

  1. No more Diet Mountain Dew! Yeah, it’s diet. But I keep reading about how even diet sodas can contribute to weight gain or at least stall attempts at weight loss. But man, did I love my Dew–it’s been my major source of caffeine for quite some time now. Substituting a tasty blend of black and green tea now for my morning hit, which helps me feel nice and healthy. Less caffeine, more antioxidants. And truth be told, I was always sort of embarrassed (there’s that word again) by my Dew habit.
  2. Bringing lunch to work more often. Our cafeteria has a real dearth of healthy food options for lunch. There’s the very popular fried chicken, the often overcooked but still satisfying pizza, the daily entree choice that we’ve coined The Tub of Slop. So I’ve been bringing leftovers more often, which nets me both a healthier lunch and the admiration of my co-workers. I know, I’m a hero.
  3. More salads at lunch when I don’t bring my own. Work actually does have a good salad bar, and I’m making use of it more often and walking right by the fried chicken station (please, hold your applause).
  4. Oh, and I bought cross-trainers the other day. I used to walk a ton for exercise, and I always wore either my Doc Martens or my Dansko clogs. I figured it was time to resurrect the walking habit, and perhaps my aging joints would appreciate a pair of proper tennis shoes. Oddly enough, my maiden voyage in them suggests that my old walkin’ gear might be more comfortable. Hm.

Like I said, wee changes, but you gotta start somewhere.

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